

CISOs must be proactive in their cyber strategies, MapleSEC conference told

Fight back against adversaries with a smart cybersecurity platform, conference told. Read how

How boards should talk to CISOs — and CISOs should talk to boards

Boards think cybersecurity is 'a dark mysterious art.' Blame infosec pros, says Google Cloud's CISO

Infosec leaders deferring transformation, consolidating tools as fears of recession increase

An executive at consulting firm Wipro says CISOs and other security practitioners at its customers 'are really struggling' in the current economy.

Soft skills are vital for women to succeed, says cybersecurity panel

Time management and being able to drive change were among the skills women speakers said have been vaulable in their careers

Infosec pros focus on preventing attacks but miss important alerts, conference told

IT security teams need to think like hackers to outwit them, said a Cisco Systems official. Read why

New Gartner survey reveals gaps in government tech purchase process

According to a recent survey from Gartner Inc., the public sector has the longest buying cycle for technology purchases, at 22 months on average. Gartner...

Is “state-backed” ransomware excluded from cyber insurance? Plus three points of irony. This Week in Ransomware – Monday, Aug 29th

We were sent a note drawing our attention to the following story from a company engaged in cyber security protection. It raised interesting questions...

Quebec’s privacy bill 64: Is your business ready?

Certain provisions of the "An Act to modernize legislative provisions for the protection of personal information" (formerly known as Bill 64) will come into...

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